Member Information
By-laws, Range Rules, and other important Member documents and information can be found below.
- Club ID must be worn at all times while on PFGC property
- All new members must complete 6 hours of work requirements for the first five years of membership
- Constitution and By-laws
- Current Rules
- Member Liability Waiver
Dues/Membership Info
Annual dues are $175. Deadline for dues payment is the end of the December general meeting. Payment can be made in person at the general meeting starting in September or via mail at the address below. For questions regarding yearly dues and membership cards please contact Financial Secretary:
PFGC Financial Secretary
P.O. Box 4424
Manchester, NH 03108
General club meetings are held the first Monday of each month at 7:30PM. All club meetings (October – May) are held at the American Legion Hall – Sweeney Post, 251 Maple Street, Manchester NH. Summer month meetings (June and September) are held at the Pointer Field in Bedford. There are no general meetings in the months of July and August.
Board of Directors Meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month at 7:30PM at the club range.
Pointer Clothing & Gear
To purchase PFGC clothing and gear please contact Al Dwire at the general meeting or at:
Phone: (603) 533-7093
Email: [email protected] (subject line: PFGC Clothing)
Contact Al for Clothing and Gear ONLY! Direct all other inquiries to the appropriate chairperson.
Membership Application
Thank you for your interest in Pointer Fish and Game Club membership. Please be aware of the following membership application requirements:
- All prospective members must be sponsored by a current member in good standing.
- All prospective members must complete a Membership Application, including sponsor signature. Completed applications may be submitted in person at Club meetings to the Financial Secretary (Kris Perreault) along with the application fee.
- A NH concealed carry pistol permit or a State of NH Background check (completed within the last 60 days) is required.
- A current State of NH hunting or fishing license is required.
- All prospective members must, along with their sponsor, submit to a Membership Committee interview.
- PFGC only takes in new members four times per year; at the February, April, June and October meetings.
New Member Orientation
All new members must complete an orientation before they may make use of club facilities. The new member orientation covers topics such as field use, range rules, Club history, and by-law information. New member orientation dates and times will be announced at regular club meetings and posted to the website.
Orientation Contact: Ron Beaulieu – 603-566-4656
New Member Work Requirements
All new members are required to provide six hours of work per year for the first five years of membership. The work requirement may be met through participation on a variety of club committees. The work requirement process will be explained in detail at new member orientation.
See Events list for any upcoming work days.
Completed Applications can be submitted at any PFGC general meeting (see “Member Info” page for meeting times), or by mailing to:
Pointer Fish and Game ClubP.O. Box 4424
Manchester NH 03108
Hunter Education
PFGC has a group of talented members that make up its Hunter Safety Instructor Team and sessions are held regularly at the Pointer Field throughout the season.
NH Fish & Game has automated the Hunter Education sign-ups. To register for classes, click here.
Pointer Officers
Board of Directors
Committee List
Leagues & Tournaments
Ice Fishing Tournament
Saturday Feb 22nd 2025
7AM on Gorham Pond
Dunbarton, NH
Lunch on the ice!!!
Summer Fishing Tournament
To be announced for summer 2025
Summer Archery League
Each year, PFGC has a summary Archery League with weekly competitions through summer. The league starts in in the spring once the field and roads dry up and weather permitting. Traditionally the league ends in August before the archery deer hunting season starts. Shoots will be on Thursday nights, $5 if you want to join the 50/50. Kids shoot for free.
If you are interested in participating or supporting this event, please contact: Al Dwire at 533-7093.
Trap and 5-Stand
Traps are available for use by all members who have attended a Trap Operations and Safety orientation. The orientation schedule will be announced at the general meetings.
Pointer now offers both 5-Stand and Wobble Trap.
The 100yd. range is a dual use range (rifle and trap). The following schedule will be observed should a conflict of use arise: Clay shooting will take precedence at the following times, except in October and November.

2025 Trap League
Rifle shooting will take precedence in October and November. The cost is just $5.00 per round (25 clays) for members and their guests.
Sundays: 1PM (starting July-2nd)
Wednesdays: 5PM (starting June-21st)
Trap league will be run by Dale Caruth
Trap Orientation Contact: Ron Beaulieu
Deer Pool
Must be a Pointer member and submit a $10.00 entry fee.
- Entry fee paid by member covers juniors. (Sons/daughters only)
- Pointer member must register juniors at the same time they register.
- Deer must be taken in New Hampshire in accordance with NH Fish & Game regulations.
- Deer may be registered anywhere, however all POOL DEER MUST BE WEIGHED AT LEMAY & SONS, 116 DANIEL PLUMMER RD, GOFFSTOWN, NH Prior to weighing deer it must be properly field dressed. Weights do not include heart, lungs, kidneys, etc.
- All deer entered must be accompanied by a certified weight slip from Lemay’s and a PICTURE of MEMBER and DEER.
- The accuracy of the information on the weight slip is the responsibility of the member, who must initial the slip.
All prizes and method of distribution will be determined by the Deer Pool Committee.
Largest Buck Largest Doe
Largest Buck Largest Doe
Largest Buck Largest Doe
No deer will be entered without pictures or weights. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Contact the Deer Pool Committee with any questions: Andy Beaudoin at [email protected]